The successful quest for a dog

The Kaiser family pitbul, Luke, made the family complete. But it took some serious effort to get him.

I wanted a dog. My sister wanted a dog. But how do we convince our parents to let us get a dog?

What is the best way to convince them we were responsible enough to take care of a dog? We had to come up with something that would work. Something that was smart and they would like.

Me and my sister, Lexi, got to work. We came up with different ways on how to ask them for a dog. 

Asking them every couple of days to put the idea into their head.

Showing them pictures of dogs that were looking to be adopted. 

But we always got the same response; “We will think about it.”

After a couple of months, we didn’t really make any progress and still hadn’t heard from our parents about whether or not we were getting a dog.

At this point, we figured it would most likely not happen. They probably thought we would have given up, but we hadn’t yet. We just came up with a better way on how to ask them.

Christmas was about two months away and we were preparing to ask again. This time, we made a Power Point to ask. It has worked in the past for us, it has to work now. Right?

We prepared a slideshow.

Added pictures.

Added text.

Anything important that we thought would work.

Once it was done, we gathered our parents and presented it to them. 

After every slide, we would look over at our parents to see if we had gotten a reaction out of them.

Present a slide, and look over.

Present a slide, and look over.

Present a slide, and look over.

It was just a continuous process of this as we continued to present. 

Our slideshow consisted of multiple examples of facts to prove how responsible Lexi and I could be. We were trying to prove we could take care of the dog on our own. We included pictures of all of the dogs that were looking to be adopted at our local humane society. We even included the dates for how long the dogs had been there waiting to be adopted. I like to think those helped.

However, after we presented our case on why we should get a dog, we got the usual “We will think about it.”

After this, we just stopped asking. We figured we would’ve had a dog by now. It was the beginning of December. We gave the presentation over a month ago.

Then one day I got home from school. I followed my stepmom inside the house and heard her say “What did you get into today?”

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I did hear clicking in the house.

I walked inside and saw a white and brown dog walking toward me, his nails clicking on the hardwood floors.

“What is this?” Lexi asked in disbelief. We asked for a dog so many times, it seemed weird we had one. 

“This is Luke,” my stepmom said.

“Your Christmas present,” my dad said at the same time.

We loved Luke right away. We were taking pictures of him and playing with him that whole night. 

My family would feel different if we never added our loving pitbull to our family.

– Hannah Kaiser

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