The diversity of the greenhouse
The Castleton State College greenhouse is home to more than 55 plant species, many you might not believe could live in there. As you walk...
Get your radio voice on at WIUV
Its 5:59 on a Tuesday evening and “DJ Vox” or as his friends know him, Zach Scheffler, sits in the big black chair prepping just...
Secrets to staying in love
Ever wondered why it seems like some couples never have any issues? They just seem to float through the storms that knock other couples under...
Castleton has plans to speed up the internet
A lot of students at Castleton State College complain about Internet speed, but there is good news. Over the summer an upgrade is doubling the...
Student brings awareness to the epidemic of bullying
Twelve-year-old Roy VanDusen stood outside the middle school showers terrified. He’d refused to set foot near them until his teacher finally told him enough was...
Petitioning for SGA re-election
The week before spring break junior Jarrod Sammis, in response to an incident committed during the recent SGA elections, started a petition to campaign for...
Student cashes in
Last year, Timothy Mackintosh found a dollar bill in aisle five of Hannaford. With that dollar bill, he bought candy bars to sell to others....
Reflections on Jamaica
Easter Sunday I sat in the airport crying. I was in a circle with 10 other people. We were all from Alternative Spring Break. We...
Communications office always busy
The sound of keyboards chirp as three people sit at their computers with the soft glow from the screens illuminating their concentrated faces. The air...
Professor writes book about Civil War
It’s been about 10 years coming, but Andre Fleche is finally able to see the fruits of his labor. What began as his doctoral dissertation...